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New Covenant United Methodist Church- Senior Group-Insulin Resistance: Your Weight and Diabetes

New Covenant United Methodist Church 3470 Woodridge Drive, The Villages

Discover the connection between insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain and age-related diseases like dementia. Join Aviv Clinics, Physician Dr. Elamir as he shares the main factors in regulating insulin and how to lower your risk for these conditions. Discover new tools, daily habits, and food choices that can help you better understand your body and […]


Talking Hormones

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Let’s talk hormones!   Hormones — our body’s chemical messengers – they affect everything from blood sugar to blood pressure, sex drive, metabolism and even sleep. They actually influence how we think and act daily day to day, they are powerful, but you can work with them.  Dr Kevin Cooke will help you understand your […]


Navigating Family Stress

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Tis the season for gathering with friends and family…. How you handle stress is important!   Every family reacts differently to stress, and the effects include arguing, fighting and poor communication.  With that comes fatigue, general exhaustion and other health problems.  You can learn to know your own stress cues and triggers and how to […]


Fit and Festive: A Diabetes-Friendly Holiday

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, where you get to spend time catching up with family and friends. It’s also a time when there is a lot of focus on food, which can be very stressful if you have diabetes. You want to enjoy the holidays and eat delicious food, but managing your […]


Fighting Falls

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

As we go about our daily lives, good balance is essential. Safely climbing a flight of stairs, stepping into the bathtub and even getting out of bed in the morning all rely on our ability to balance. Poor balance is a major reason why one in three people over the age of 65 experience a […]


Boost Your Memory and Cognitive Function

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Time may pass, places change but memories...they are forever.  Memory like muscle strength requires you to “use it or lose it”—the more you work out your brain the better you’ll be able to process and remember information.  Dr Hadanny will talk about how you can increase your cognitive reserves with a whole-body approach to a […]


Maintaining Muscle Matters

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Have you noticed difficulty walking upstairs, a slower walking speed, or feeling the need to take a rest after carrying something? These are all signs that your muscle mass may be decreasing.    This event will focus on small, practical exercises and lifestyle changes you can incorporate into your daily routine to help train and […]


Stroke Survivor? Recovery with Results!

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Many stroke victims are left to believe that after six months of rehabilitation, their condition will not improve. But that’s not the case.   Dr. Kevin Cooke will share how to rise above standard rehabilitation treatments featuring information on the Aviv Medical Program that has proven to increase both motor and cognitive skills—even years after suffering […]


Heal Chronic Pain from Fibromyalgia

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Dr. Hadanny will explain how the Aviv Medical Program, which includes hyperbaric oxygen therapy, can help with heightened sensitivity to pain by addressing the source of the pain—the brain. Find out why other options only treat the symptoms.  Whether you know someone suffering from fibromyalgia or you are experiencing a heightened sensitivity to pain, this […]

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