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Life’s a Mess! Manage Your Stress

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Every family reacts differently to stress, and the effects include arguing, fighting and even poor communication. With that comes fatigue, general exhaustion and other health problems. Clinical psychologist Dr. Roger Miller will share how you can navigate your stress and enjoy making beautiful memories with your family.  Gain tools to learn how to better manage […]


Make the Most of Your Memories

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Keep making beautiful memories!   Memory like muscle strength requires you to “use it or lose it”—the more you work out your brain the better you will be able to process and remember information.  Dr Kevin Cooke will present on how you can increase your cognitive reserves with a whole-body approach to a healthy brain.  Keep […]


Benefits of Investing in Your Health

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

The greatest wealth is your health!  We invest in many different things, make your health one of them so future generations also benefit from the decisions you make today.  Dr Mohammed Elamir delves into this fascinating topic and helps you understand what this means and what you can do to positively impact your healthy aging […]


Athletic Training for Amateurs

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

The body achieves what the body believes.  As you start your athletic journey, your top priorities should be establishing a routine, learning your sport, and most importantly, learning how to properly train and listen to your body. Join our physiologist Tim Bream to figure out your own athletic journey and where it can take you. […]


Ditch the Diet

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Over the decades, diet fads have changed more often than fashion trends. It’s time to stop swing dieting and start living!   Dr. Kevin Cooke discusses the key to recharge your brain and body through an easy-to-follow nutritional method: Intermittent fasting.    Attendees will learn the benefits of intermittent fasting down to a cellular level, and […]


The Power of Purpose

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Finding purpose is the key to living a long and healthy life!   Working toward a goal can help you sleep better, boost your immune system, lower stress levels and improve your cognitive function. Learn from Aviv Clinics neuropsychologist Dr. Ben Lowry as he talks through some of the best ways to live better and more […]


Success After Stroke

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Many stroke victims are left to believe that after six months of rehabilitation, their condition will not improve. But that’s not the case.    Dr. Amir Hadanny will share how to rise above standard rehabilitation treatments featuring information on the Aviv Medical Program that has proven to increase both motor and cognitive skills—even years after suffering a […]


Maintain Your Aging Brain

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Time may pass, and places change but memories are forever.   Memory like muscle strength requires you to “use it or lose it”—the more you work out your brain the better you will be able to process and remember information. Dr. Mo with help share how to sharpen up your cognition skills and how you […]


Golf Mobility Training

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

A good golf game starts with great mobility!   Join us for a special golf performance seminar with physical therapist Randy Brown to learn secrets to enhance your golf game from a physical therapist's perspective. Discover the pivotal role joint mobility plays in achieving a powerful swing and overall improved performance on and off the […]


Fight Falls with Better Balance

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

As we go about our daily lives, good balance is essential. Safely climbing a flight of stairs, stepping into the bathtub and even getting out of bed in the morning all rely on our ability to balance. Poor balance is a major reason why one in three people over the age of 65 experience a […]

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