Could You Have Undiagnosed Mild Cognitive Impairment?

“More Than Seven Million Americans Have Undiagnosed Mild Cognitive Impairment.”

This was the alarming headline from the University of Southern California that unveiled the results of two recent studies on mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The first study, which was published in July 2023 in Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy, revealed that 7.4 of 8 million (92%)” of Americans with MCI, a common precursor to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, may be unaware that they have the condition. 

Even more concerning, the second study, published three months later in The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, estimated that 99% of physicians are underdiagnosing MCI—“Only 0.1% of clinicians and practices had diagnosis rates within the expected range.”

But what is mild cognitive impairment, and what is the result of typical aging? Join us as we explore the symptoms, causes, and what you can do. 

How Fast Does Mild Cognitive Impairment Progress?

mild cognitive impairment

While MCI doesn’t automatically lead to dementia, early detection is still crucial. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, within five years of diagnosis, as many as one in three MCI patients will develop dementia. Identifying MCI early allows for exploring potential treatment options and making important legal and financial arrangements for their future care.

At Aviv Clinics, we see people every day who are experiencing mild cognitive impairment. While some are diagnosed beforehand, many come to our clinic because they suspect something is amiss. If you find yourself in either of these groups, I’d like to take this opportunity to delve deeper into mild cognitive impairment treatment.

Mild Cognitive Impairment Symptoms and Diagnosis

mild cognitive impairment

Determining if a patient has MCI can be challenging for several reasons. Biological aging causes changes to our brain tissue and cognitive function, so patients may dismiss mild confusion or memory loss as just a consequence of growing older rather than exploring the potential diagnosis of MCI.  

Second, mild cognitive impairment symptoms are inconsistent. It may be challenging to determine when symptoms indicate mild cognitive impairment vs. dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or various other cognitive and mental health conditions. In addition to memory loss, MCI can manifest with the following symptoms: 

  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Attention issues
  • Language problems 

People with MCI might also have symptoms of depression, irritability, anxiety, or apathy. To learn more about some of the indications of mild cognitive impairment, read our blog, “Signs and Symptoms of Cognitive Decline.”

Third, physicians don’t always closely assess brain health, especially if a patient has arrived for another reason. Researchers found that:

For older adults, cognitive health may take a backseat to diabetes, high blood pressure, or other age-related concerns during a visit to the doctor. 

Finally, the stigma surrounding cognitive impairment may cause people to hide symptoms. Nobody wants their loved ones to think they’re losing their mental acuity, and many older adults fear losing their independence. Consequently, they may withdraw from social interactions or make excuses for cognitive gaffes.

Measuring Cognitive Changes

How fast does mild cognitive impairment progress and become a diagnosable medical condition? Cognitive decline can manifest slowly. It may begin as occasional forgetfulness or trouble staying focused and start to interfere with one’s day-to-day functioning subtly over time, although it may be dismissed as part of the normal aging process. 

For others, the decline can happen more rapidly. It is normal for cognitive processes to slow down when a person is in their 60s and 70s, but there is no standardized rate. The rate of decline varies greatly from person to person. 

However, when you start to notice changes, particularly faster or more pronounced than expected, these shifts might signify something more than just age. 

Find out more about cognitive performance and aging in our ebook: What’s Happening to My Brain? Understanding and Treating Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Normal Aging vs. Mild Cognitive Impairment vs. Dementia 

Not all cognitive changes point to a diagnosis. Paying attention to these changes can help differentiate what is mild cognitive impairment, what is just the normal aging process, and what may indicate dementia.

Normal Aging 

  • Occasional memory lapses may occur, and memory loss complaints are infrequent. 
  • Difficulty finding words may happen, but isn’t a significant source of concern. 
  • Short-term memory about recent events and conversations is intact. 
  • The person remains independent, doesn’t get lost in familiar places, and remembers how to perform daily tasks.

Mild Cognitive Impairment

  • Memory lapses become a concern for the person or their family members. 
  • Difficulty finding words occurs frequently and on a somewhat noticeable basis. 
  • Memory for recent events and conversations becomes impaired. 
  • The person remains independent but may occasionally have trouble finding their way in familiar places and resist learning new tasks. 


  • Memory lapses are frequent and cause anxiety in the person and close family members.
  • Difficulty finding words is noticeable in many conversations. 
  • Short-term memory, or the ability to maintain conversations, is noticeably impaired.
  • The person depends on others for activities of daily living, may get lost in familiar places, and lose the ability to perform tasks that were once routine.

mild cognitive impairment vs dementia

Testing for Mild Cognitive Impairment 

If your physician suspects mild cognitive impairment, they’ll likely refer you to a specialist for further examination. However, there’s no single test for MCI. Instead, diagnosis will typically include a combination of assessments.

  • Neuropsychological and cognitive function tests are vital as they evaluate cognitive skills like memory, attention, judgment, and planning. These examinations measure the degree of impairment.
  • Psychological assessments can also provide a clearer picture of emotional factors that may be impacting cognitive function.
  • Specialists will also try to rule out other causes of cognitive dysfunction by reviewing medical and family history, symptoms, and medications.
  • Lab tests may reveal vitamin deficiencies, urinary tract infections, thyroid disorders, and other ailments that can mimic MCI symptoms.
  • Neurological examinations can detect conditions that impair cognitive function, such as a tumor or stroke.
  • Radiological imaging can capture the structure and function of the brain. Diagnostic imaging can reveal brain atrophy or other potential causes of cognitive dysfunction, while functional imaging offers insight into blood flow and metabolic changes in brain tissue. While radiological imaging is often associated with stroke diagnosis, it can be effective in evaluating a number of conditions, including cognitive impairment.

The Aviv Assessment

mild cognitive impairment

At Aviv Clinics, we use all these tools as part of a comprehensive assessment of both brain and body function. This not only gives our clinical team a full picture of each client’s physical and cognitive health, but it also provides the insight we need to create customized treatment plans.

The Aviv Assessment includes:

  • Comprehensive, scientifically validated cognitive tests, including the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, and NeuroTrax
  • Neuropsychological evaluation
  • Extensive blood tests
  • High resolution brain MRI and/or SPECT scans to measure brain activity and structure
  • Tests of heart and lung function, including cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), spirometry, and electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Analysis of gait, stance, range of motion, strength, and balance
  • Body composition evaluation and dietary assessment

Mild Cognitive Impairment Treatment at Aviv Clinics


A Columbia University study estimates the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment at “22.2% among those 71 years and older.” However, MCI isn’t necessarily permanent—it can sometimes be improved or even reversed.

The Aviv Medical Program is a safe, non-drug intervention that can slow down cognitive decline, particularly in its early stages. Cognitive benefits of the Aviv Medical Program can include:

  • Better brain function and connectivity
  • Stronger executive function (decision-making, self-control, cognitive flexibility)
  • Improved mental abilities, including memory, attention, and focus
  • Increased information processing speed
  • Improvements in mood and psychological factors, such as depression or anxiety

Real Stories, Real Progress with the Aviv Medical Program

After watching their parents suffer from dementia, Aviv clients Carl and Vickie feared that they were beginning to show some of the same alarming signs they’d observed in their parents. Worried about what could be mild cognitive impairment vs. dementia symptoms, they decided to take control of their aging process through the Aviv Medical Program. Watch their Aviv Clinics recovery story:

Bob and Laurie were also initially drawn to Aviv Clinics after watching Laurie’s father struggle with dementia and Alzheimer’s. From significant cognitive improvements to enhanced vitality, the program empowered them to lead an active and more memorable life with newfound resilience. Here’s their story:

People like Carl, Vickie, Bob, and Laurie are embracing their futures every day at Aviv Clinics. The results speak for themselves.

  • 96% of Aviv clients experience clinically verifiable improvements in brain function
  • 95% said they would recommend the Aviv Medical Program to their friends and loved ones

If you fear you or someone you love may be suffering from mild cognitive impairment, please contact us. The earlier we can diagnose the condition, the more likely we can treat it.

The Early Stages of Dementia: Recognizing the Signs and Reducing the Risk

We all experience bouts of forgetfulness occasionally, even at a young age. You might blank on an old acquaintance’s name or walk into the kitchen thinking, “What did I come in here for?”

Neither necessarily indicates dementia is in its early stages. Maybe you didn’t have your morning coffee or slept poorly the night before. 

However, considering the growing rate of dementia in the U.S. and worldwide, it’s essential to recognize the early stages of dementia in yourself or your loved one. Education is the first step in taking control of your health. We’re here to help you get started.

What Is Dementia? 

Dementia is the progressive loss of cognitive functioning (i.e., thinking, remembering, and reasoning) that impacts a person’s quality of life. It ranges from mild to severe. 

More than 55 million people” in the world live with dementia. In the U.S., “experts report more than 7 million people ages 65 or older had dementia in 2020.”

Remember, dementia isn’t a single disease. Instead, it’s a general term covering a range of specific medical conditions (more on this soon). 

What Are the Early Signs of Dementia?

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of dementia include:

  • Memory lapses: Someone might be unable to recall events or keep losing items around the home.
  • Trouble concentrating or focusing: Struggling to make complex decisions, plan events, or solve problems are a few common ways this can manifest.
  • Confusion surrounding typical daily routines: Activities like paying bills or navigating a drive home from the grocery store might be more challenging than usual.
  • Mood changes: Depression, anger, or irritability can become more frequent. An individual can feel more withdrawn and lose interest in hobbies and people who used to bring them joy.
  • Language/communication roadblocks: A person might have trouble grasping the right word or phrase or have wandering thoughts during conversation.
  • Instances of disorientation: An individual can no longer recognize where they are or how they got there.

Read about the signs and symptoms of cognitive decline>>


Diagnosis of Early Onset Dementia

As every individual is different and no specific test confirms dementia, a comprehensive evaluation is required. The assessment might involve various medical exams like cognitive tests and brain imaging

Early detection is critical to getting the help you need to thoroughly prepare following your diagnosis

Different Types of Dementia

Multiple diagnoses fall under the dementia umbrella and can produce unique symptoms in the early stages. 

Alzheimer’s Disease

While the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, researchers note that the “build-up of proteins in and around brain cells” is a possibility. 

Initially, Alzheimer’s impacts the nerve cells controlling memory, language, and conscious thought. Damage then progresses to parts of the brain that manage reasoning and social behavior. 

These changes are not always apparent, especially not in the earliest stages. Alzheimer’s can develop for 1520 years before symptoms start to appear. Currently, it’s estimated that “6.2 million Americanslive with the disease.


Frontotemporal Dementia

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) results from damage to neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes—areas of the brain that oversee memory and auditory functioning. You may have heard of FTD when the press announced actor Bruce Willis’ diagnosis in 2022.

Symptoms include the following:

  • Unusual behaviors
  • Emotional problems
  • Trouble communicating
  • Difficulty with work
  • Challenges with walking

Example: Phineas Gage. A classic example involves a railroad construction worker from the 1800s named Phineas Gage, who is now considered the first patient in the history of neuroscience. Although not an example of dementia, Gage’s case offers insight into the importance of the frontal lobe and the functions it controls.  While working on the railroad, Gage suffered an accident in which a large iron rod penetrated his skull and frontal lobe, causing brain damage. 

Gage survived the incident, but his demeanor and personality changed completely. Previously known as a pleasant, hard-working “gentle giant,” he became, according to Dr. John Martyn Harlow, “…fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity, manifesting but little deference for his fellows.”

Unlike Gage’s sudden change due to injury, the impacts of frontotemporal dementia develop gradually. The condition tends to strike individuals at a younger age than other forms of dementia. Roughly 60% of people with FTD are 45 to 64 years old.

Lewy Body Dementia

Many learned about Lewy body dementia (LBD) when it was revealed actor/comedian Robin Williams had suffered from the disease. LBD arises from abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the brain. 

These deposits, named “Lewy bodies,” affect brain chemicals, leading to problems with thinking, movement, behavior, and mood. Williams’ struggle with depression was likely a direct result of the chemical changes instigated by LBD.

LBD worsens over time but impacts certain individuals more severely than others. One challenge in diagnosing LBD is that it mimics indications of other brain diseases or psychiatric disorders.

Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia results from conditions affecting the blood vessels in the brain

When blood and oxygen flow to the brain is interrupted, it can cause changes in memory, thinking, and behavior. The size, location, and number of vascular changes dictate how severe vascular dementia is on a person’s cognitive function.

For example, someone who has suffered a major stroke may experience damage—but so might someone who has had multiple small strokes over time. 

Growing research investigates the connection between cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke) and cerebrovascular disease (blood flow/vessel conditions)—and its impact on cognitive impairment and dementia. 

That said, not everyone who experiences a heart attack or stroke will develop dementia. The aging process can also contribute to the development of vascular dementia. The body simply loses its ability to deliver blood as efficiently as it once could.

Mixed Dementia & Related Diseases

If someone has characteristics of two or more types of dementia, they may receive a diagnosis of “mixed dementia.” Other neurological conditions can lead to symptoms of dementia, such as:

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD): This rare, degenerative, fatal brain disorder causes problems with muscle coordination, personality changes (including progressive and impaired thinking and judgment), and vision problems that may lead to blindness and involuntary muscle jerks. Individuals with CJD lose their ability to speak and move, eventually slipping into a coma.
  • HIV-Associated Dementia: While less of a problem now that the medical community has curbed the AIDS epidemic, HIV-associated dementia can cause behavioral changes and a gradual decline in cognitive function.
  • Huntington’s Disease: This inherited disease eventually leads to brain cell death and resulting complications. HD may cause changes in behavior, emotion, judgment, and cognitive function.

What Else Might Cause Early Signs of Dementia?

If you or a loved one experiences dementia-like symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean a dementia diagnosis is forthcoming. 

Other factors may lead to dementia-like symptoms. For example: 

  • Even a minor medical issue, like a urinary tract infection (UTI), can lead to confusion or delirium in older adults.
  • If someone doesn’t adhere to their blood sugar medication and their glucose levels drop, they may experience similar symptoms. 
  • Medication interactions (or medication/supplement interactions) may mimic symptoms of dementia. 

That’s why it’s essential for anyone taking medications or supplements to inform their doctor and pharmacist.


The Importance of Early Detection and Reducing Risk

Unfortunately, there’s currently no cure for dementia. Medications have been employed to slow the progression of dementia but with little success. 

While there’s no standard early dementia onset treatment, there are steps you can take to optimize your health and reduce dementia risk:

  • Engage in cognitive stimulation activities: Just like any other muscle in the body, your brain needs regular exercise to function at optimal levels. Learn something new or dive into brain games like crossword puzzles or sudoku.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy weight: This includes sticking to a balanced diet like the MIND diet, engaging in physical activity you enjoy, and abstaining from smoking, drug use, and excessive alcohol consumption. Healthy habits can also help manage diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other chronic conditions.
  • Social engagement: Social activities may “reduce the risk of dementia due to mental and intellectual stimulation.” Take time to see loved ones and engage in leisurely activities with them.
  • Art and music therapy: Art and music therapy can elicit emotions, memories, and a sense of calm—all of which may “reduce cognitive decline” and enhance the quality of life.
  • Pet therapy: The link between individuals and animals holds powerful benefits like increased self-esteem and can “[improve] cognitive performance such as memory or concentration, motor skills and quality of life.”
  • Reminiscence therapy: By using all senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound), reminiscence therapy encourages people to remember specific events, individuals, and places. This therapy can help people gain confidence in their cognitive abilities and allows them to reflect upon what holds meaning for them.


The Bottom Line

If dementia is at the root of your or a loved one’s symptoms, the best step you can take is to act quickly. 

Groundbreaking research is bringing scientists one step closer to minimizing age-related cognitive decline, especially related to the early stages of dementia. In a test group, patients in this landmark study experienced improved cognitive functions, including memory recall, concentration, and response times.

A health plan based on this unique protocol is now available at Aviv Clinics Florida.

Contact us to learn more about this study and the Aviv Medical Program’s approach to cognitive decline.

How the Link Between Exercise and Brain Health Can Boost Cognitive Function

The science is pretty clear: exercising and maintaining good health are some of the best things you can do to keep the body at peak performance. But there are more than a few options out there when it comes to exercising. 

Exercise and brain health are closely linked. Researchers have found that regular physical activity can “delay the effects of both physiological aging and pathological neurodegeneration on brain health.” 

To take advantage of the interplay between brain health and exercise, it’s important to understand how exercise is good for the brain—and why. Are some forms of exercise better than others when it comes to the brain? Are there rightor wrongways to exercise when maximizing brain power? And how does exercise affect the aging brain? 

The answers to these questions can help unlock the power of exercise for brain health.

exercise and brain health

How Cognitive Abilities Change with Age

As we age, a slight level of cognitive decline is inevitable due to the normal aging process. Issues with memory and slower thinking are to be expected. But older adults are also increasingly at risk for mild cognitive impairment, including “conceptual reasoning, memory, and processing speed,” as well as dementia, which includes conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. 

While some of the risk factors for these conditions are out of your control, such as age, genetics, and family history, your overall health plays a role, too. In the event of an unexpected incident, such as a stroke, your general health and wellness become focal points for your recovery.

The more proactive you are with your health, no matter your risk factors or circumstances, the greater your investment in your long-term health potential. Basically, staying healthy and active can help protect your brain.

How Is Exercise Good for the Brain as We Age?

Healthy habits, including a nourishing diet and regular physical activity, are critical players in the healthy aging process. Emerging research discovered that exercise is linked to “improved cognitive performance in older adults with and without cognitive impairment.”

These results are promising for anyone concerned about maintaining cognitive and brain health as they age, especially considering the aforementioned risk factors beyond their control. This occurs primarily because exercise impacts the brain on both a short- and long-term basis—with measurable benefits occurring in both instances. 

How Are Exercise and Brain Health Linked?

Anytime you exercise, you’re pumping more blood to your brain tissues. Increased blood flow means more oxygen and other nutrients vital for the brain’s functioning. 

In response, the brain also cranks out some helpful molecules, many of which “improve cognitive processes and memory.”

Here are just a few benefits of exercise for the brain:

  • Neurotransmitters (NTs) like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are released, improving mood, motivation, focus, attention, and learning.
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) helps your brain repair and rebuild, creating new neurons and connections.
  • Hormones work with BDNF and can boost your mood and mental clarity.
  • Endorphins and other molecules are released, helping relieve pain.
  • Increased blood flow delivers nutrients and carries away waste products.
  • The hippocampus increases in volume.

Two areas of the brain are particularly important when it comes to cognitive decline: the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC). These areas are the most susceptible to cognitive degeneration or impairment.

1. Hippocampus

The hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning, is affected by exercise in a few ways. Studies show that with aerobic exercise, brain matter shows “an increase in volume of the left and right hippocampus,” an area that often declines in volume as we age. The hippocampal decline also occurs significantly with Alzheimer’s disease, which can be reduced by 25%for those with the condition. The hippocampus is also where much neurogenesis (creating new brain cells) occurs—at least if you exercise enough!

2. Prefrontal Cortex (PFC)

The other area benefiting directly from exercise is the prefrontal cortex or PFC—the brain’s “CEO,” responsible for most of our executive functions, including decision-making, attention, problem-solving, and goal-setting. Studies show that older adults, in particular, can benefit from exercise due to increased “executive functions mediated by the PFC.”

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A Holistic Approach to Exercise and Brain Health

Exercise benefits brain health significantly because it involves so many bodily processes simultaneously.

Exercise, for both your body and mind, is a powerful practice that can help build confidence, aid in recovery, and even help to stimulate processes “related to cell survival and neuroplasticity” (the brain’s ability to change and adapt). 

Aviv Clinics clients receiving the innovative Aviv Medical Program optimize their brain health. Their personalized treatment plan can combine cognitive exercises and physical training, nutritional coaching, and Aviv’s unique research-backed  hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) protocol. As part of the program, clients perform dual-task exercises on the cutting-edge h/p/cosmos medical treadmill at the clinic. The combination of physical and cognitive effort maximizes the benefits of the treatment protocol which include: improved memory, attention, focus, information processing and mental clarity.


exercise and brain health

Lifestyle Matters

Our brains haven’t changed much in the last 50,000 years or so, but our lifestyle certainly has.

In the days of our nomadic, hunter-gatherer ancestors, life was a little more physically demandingour bodies are designed to move and be active. Sitting, it seems, could be making us sick.

According to LifeSpan Fitness, the average American these days sits for “11 hours a day,” and an estimated 20% of all deaths over age 35 can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of exercise, poor diet, and use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are often a starting point. Falling into this sedentary lifestyle can quickly lead to a downward spiral.

What’s the Best Kind of Exercise?

Rest assured, as long as you’re moving your body regularly, you’ll likely see benefits. While all types of exercise have advantages, most studies favor those that elevate your heart rate and maintain it for a time. 

Getting oxygen-rich blood pumping to the brain seems to be the best way to reap the benefits of exercise. Therefore, aerobic exercise (or cardio) and weight training are excellent starting places. 

Moderate Intensity

The “prescription” for most older adults is to aim to exercise at a moderate intensity for 30-45 minutes, 3-4 times per week. An easy way to keep track of your progress is with a fitness tracker. Find out if a fitness tracker is right for you.

You can measure moderate intensity by keeping your heart going at the optimal rate, in this case, 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. To determine your max heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, a 70-year-old woman’s maximum heart rate would be 150. That means that to exercise at the right intensity, she should maintain a heart rate between 105-120.

You should warm up and cool down for aerobic exercise but don’t count that as part of your total. The 30-45 minutes (as prescribed) should all be while your heart rate is at the target rate.

Strength Training

Strength training can also be incredibly beneficial. Sarcopenia, or the loss of muscle mass as you get older, and osteoporosis, a reduction in bone mass over time, are increasingly common in older adults. Muscle-building exercises can help you retain this muscle mass and build strength in both areas of the body. 

To get started, stick to a simple program that activates as many muscle groups as possible throughout the week. With strength training, it’s important to choose activities that are not too easy nor too complex and to give yourself at least one day of rest between sessions. 

Avoid injuries by focusing on excellent form, whether lifting weights or performing body weight exercises. Always give yourself time to warm up your muscles with five to ten minutes of heart-pumping cardio or warm up sets before diving into any challenging reps or sets.

6 Tips for Getting Started

If you’re like many (if not most) adults, you might be leaning more toward the sedentary end of the activity scale as you grow older. The exercise prescription above is an ideal goal, and it’s used primarily because that’s what they did in studies showing the best outcomes for cognitive health. 

However, other studies showed that lower-intensity activities like walking “roughly 6-9 miles per week” and yoga could be beneficial, too.

Even if you’re aiming for that peak exercise intensity, there are many ways to make exercising for brain health fun, easier, and less stressful.

exercise and brain health

1. Find Movement That You Love

Exercise is about movement, so find a way to move your body that you enjoy. If that’s running laps, great. If you love to dance, then dance! And there are always sports and leisure activities—gardening, golfing, and bowling are excellent ways to move. Even window shopping or hula hooping can count as exercise. Need more ideas? Try any of these non-boring exercises!

Finding enjoyable movement can also help change your perspective and shift away from goals like weight loss that may feel like a chore. Focus on how exercise makes you feel and the enjoyment you get from moving.

2. Slowly Build Stamina

If you’re already pretty active, or you’ve exercised a lot in the past, it will probably be easier for you to start. If you’re not as active as you could be, that’s okay, too. It’s never too late to begin a new exercise practice. Start small and build from there.

You’re more likely to stick with it if you’re realistic about your goals and abilities.

3. Examine Barriers to Habit

Building any habit takes time and planning. Give yourself the best chance at success by looking at exercise through a positive lens. For example:

  • If it’s challenging to find time in your schedule, start with shorter movement durations whenever you can. 
  • If you dislike the gym, identify ways to stay active by doing things you enjoy, whether being outside, working out with friends, participating in low-impact activities, or exercising right at home.

The best plan accounts for daily routine hiccups that could potentially throw your goals off course. By remaining connected to the positive benefits you get right after you engage in physical activity, such as an improved mood, a sense of accomplishment, or a boost of energy, it’s easier to stay on track even when life gets chaotic. 

Remember that every day is a new day, and you can always switch things up or make adjustments as you go without throwing in the towel altogether. Slow and steady progress is more sustainable. 

exercise and brain health

4. Work with Your Schedule

Depending on your exercise goals and your current level of physical activity, it’s a good idea to examine how you can build exercise into your routine naturally. From there, you can make goals to build around the momentum you’ve gained with every small step. 

When you start to make goals, the SMART goal-setting method can make it easy to visualize where you’d like to go with your exercise routine.

SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Break down precisely what you want to achieve. Rather than make a goal to simply walk more, aim for a specific number of steps or a weekly distance threshold you wish to reach.
  • Measurable: Find a way to track your goal with metrics. You might use a pedometer to count your steps or a designated app to count the miles you’ve walked.
  • Attainable: It’s enticing to think big. Still, you’re more likely to stick to a movement goal if it feels like an achievable first step. Your plan should push your limits just enough to be effective but not too challenging that you feel discouraged. 
  • Relevant: Consider the benefits you’d like to gain from your goal. If building muscle is your intention, physical activity focusing on endurance training rather than strength training may make progress slower than if you focus on muscle-building exercises. 
  • Time-bound: Without putting unreasonable pressure on your results, choose a time frame within which you would like to achieve your goal. This can be a particular date or a certain duration. Scheduling can help you take actionable steps every day. 

5. Add It Up

Ultimately, it’s about moving more and being more active. There are many ways to sneak in more exercise and break up the sedentary periods. For example, if you sit a lot, you can try setting a timer to get up and walk around every hour. Or start counting your steps and aim to increase them daily.

Many traditional ways to get more activity are still great, like taking the stairs, parking farther away, playing with kids, or doing housework and cleaning. Make it a goal to find a new way to squeeze in some daily activity.

6. Results Take Time—Be Patient

So how long does it take before exercising starts to pay off? While you may feel many exercise benefits immediately afterward, like improvements in mood and energy, lasting results will take longer. Plan on giving it at least six months to assess your brain’s progress.

Regarding cognitive abilities, measuring and assessing can be challenging. You may not notice a substantial increase in cognitive ability. As some cognitive decline will occur due to normal aging, it’s often about slowing it down rather than a full reversal. It’s also common for family and friends to notice a change before you do.

brain health

The Bottom Line on Exercise and Brain Health

Find movement that you enjoy, and you’ll have a much easier time making time to exercise. No matter what shape you’re in or what activities you enjoy, you can find a way to optimize both your physical and cognitive health.

Aviv Clinics delivers a highly effective, science-based treatment program to enhance brain performance and improve the cognitive and physical symptoms of conditions such as traumatic brain injuries, fibromyalgia, Lyme, and dementia. Our intensive protocol uses Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, physical training, and nutrition management for better brain health. The medical program closely tracks clients’ progress before, during, and after the treatment protocol, using customized tablets and other technology. Based on over a decade of research and development, the Aviv Medical Program is holistic and customized to your needs.


Age-Related Cognitive Decline: The Science That Slows It Down

Cognitive health — the ability to think clearly, learn, and remember — is essential in helping us live happy and fulfilling lives.

Maintaining our cognitive health can become a challenge as we get older. Like the physical changes that occur in our bodies (e.g., stiff joints, wrinkles, etc.), our brain’s cognition also changes slowly and subtly over time. 

You may notice you’re struggling to pay attention, for example, or find you’re having trouble recalling conversations or people’s names. These experiences are a natural part of aging and manifest as a condition coined age-related cognitive decline. 

Cognitive Decline, the Earliest Symptom of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cognitive decline is a self-reported experience of “worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss.” It’s considered one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias. 

There are different forms of cognitive decline. One type of cognitive decline is mild cognitive impairment (MCI)—the early stage of memory or cognitive ability loss. It’s the phase between natural cognitive decline (due to aging) and the more serious decline. 

While experiences may be different person-to-person and can vary daily in scope and severity, common age-related cognitive decline symptoms include the following areas: 

  • Memory: Forgetting names, dates, and places becomes more frequent. You may place items in odd locations (e.g., car keys in the refrigerator).
  • Language: Forming words, phrases, or sentences becomes increasingly more challenging.
  • Thinking or judgment: You may lose track of time or your train of thought. Making decisions also becomes more difficult or overwhelming. 
  • Apathy: An oft-overlooked symptom, suddenly losing interest in your favorite activities and people or giving up when something feels difficult can signal a mental withdrawal during the decline process. 
  • Incessant rumination: People experiencing cognitive decline can feel chronic stress or get stuck in a fight-or-flight response.
  • Other Conditions: Many illnesses and chronic conditions are associated with cognitive decline. They include influenza, gastroenteritis, sleep disorders, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, take the opportunity to have a conversation with an Aviv Clinics physician to assess their severity and what you can do to improve your cognitive health.



Why Age-Related Cognitive Decline Occurs

There are four main reasons age-related cognitive decline may occur: 

  1. Hormonal imbalance: As we age, it’s natural for hormonal imbalances to happen. Research indicates these changes are a key factor in the decline of cognitive function. 
  2. Stroke and head injuries: Head injuries and stroke can damage blood vessels in the brain, which may incite cognitive impairment and even vascular dementia. Even a minor head injury sustained many years in the past increases your chances of developing dementia.
  3. Psychiatric disorders: Disorders like depression and anxiety have been connected to cognitive and functional decline. They are commonly experienced by MCI patients and can either be a contributing factor or a symptom.  
  4. Heart conditions: Research shows that those in their 40s to early 60s with high blood pressure have a higher risk of experiencing cognitive decline later in life. Lowering blood pressure decreases the risk for MCI.


Disorders Related to Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Approximately 12% to 18% of individuals over age 60 live with mild cognitive impairment. If left untreated, MCI can bring on various disorders related to more significant age-related cognitive decline. 

Approximately 10% to 15% of people with MCI develop dementia every year. Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of neurological conditions. These conditions negatively affect the brain—nerve cells stop functioning normally and eventually die, causing cognitive decline.  

There are different types of dementia, such as: 

  • Alzheimer’s disease: Those with MCI are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease—the most common dementia diagnosis. In addition to cognitive decline, those with Alzheimer’s may experience shifts in behavior and personality. Read about the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease
  • Frontotemporal dementia (FTD): FTD can occur when there is damage to the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Someone with FTD can show unusual behaviors, emotional problems, and difficulty communicating. 
  • Lewy body dementia (LBD): LBD happens when protein builds up in the brain. Common symptoms of LBD include movement issues (e.g., slowed movements, stiffness, tremors), cognitive issues, and mood shifts.
  • Vascular dementia: Vascular dementia occurs due to a lack of blood flow to the brain. People typically experience issues with reasoning, planning, judgment, and memory.

How Science Slows Down Cognitive Decline

Your brain is a superpower, but energy (in the form of oxygen and proper nutrition) is needed to make it so.

If you give your brain energy, especially as you age, you can effectively slow down the aging process. 

Aviv has developed a way to harness the power of oxygen using Nobel Prize-winning research. The Aviv Medical Program includes a variety of therapies, including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). What is HBOT? It involves sending 100% pure, pressurized (10-15 times higher than normal) oxygen to your deprived brain cells and body tissues, turbocharging your body’s own regenerative mechanisms. The result is faster healing of damaged tissues and higher regeneration of stem cells. 

If you’re concerned about your (or a loved one’s) age-related cognitive decline, be sure to contact Aviv soon.

Role of Genetics in Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is currently the most widely diagnosed form of dementia in the United States.

It is a progressive disease that worsens over time, often to the point of interfering with daily activities.

While doctors have begun to understand more about what causes Alzheimer’s, we are still discovering exactly what sets off the disease process.

Are some people predisposed to the Alzheimer’s disease? Is there any action we can do to delay, or even prevent it?

Read on to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and the role genetics and lifestyle play in it.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia most commonly affecting people over the age of 65, though younger people can be impacted as well.

It is a progressive disease— symptoms are usually mild at onset and get worse over time, eventually becoming severe enough to interfere with daily living.

In the early stages, people with Alzheimer’s tend to experience minor memory loss—for example, forgetting a person’s name or details of a recent event. As the disease progresses, cognitive functioning declines, causing more significant memory loss and other symptoms including:

  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Confusion and disorientation in places that were once familiar
  • Speech and language challenges
  • Personality changes
  • Problems performing self-care tasks
  • Ambulatory issues
  • Hallucinations
  • Low mood
  • Anxiety

People with Alzheimer’s won’t necessarily exhibit all of these symptoms every day, and some days may be better than others.



What Causes Alzheimer’s?

Scientists have researched the disease process of Alzheimer’s for years. While we are still identifying what can cause a person to develop Alzheimer’s, we have made some discoveries about how the brain works in Alzheimer’s disease patients.

Today we know that there are two different protein structures in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease: Neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. It’s not currently known whether the presence of these structures causes Alzheimer’s disease, or if they are simply byproducts of it. We do know that both can impair cognitive function and can worsen as the disease progresses.

Neurofibrillary tangles are accumulations of a harmful protein called tau in the brain’s neurons. These tangles can inhibit the neuron’s ability to communicate, causing cognitive decline. Some studies reveal that a lack of oxygen in the brain is associated with neurofibrillary tangles.

Amyloid plaques are hard, insoluble clumps of beta-amyloid proteins that build up between neurons. Like neurofibrillary tangles, these plaques are toxic to brain cells and disrupt cell-to-cell communication. They can eventually result in cellular death, inhibiting cognitive abilities even further.

Brain scans can reveal the presence of both protein structures, which can alert your doctor to the presence of Alzheimer’s disease or indicate that you’re at risk for it.

This information can be used to help you adopt lifestyle changes and seek treatment to help maintain your health and prolong your cognitive function.

Who Gets Alzheimer’s Disease?

Older woman sitting on the blue sofa, holding a cup of coffee

Alzheimer’s is most common among people over the age of 65. In fact, an estimated 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 and 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 have Alzheimer’s.

While age is the biggest risk factor for the disease, Alzheimer’s can also happen to people who are younger. This is known as early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Women also make up a disproportionate number of Alzheimer’s cases, possibly because women tend to live longer than men. It also may be linked to the reduction of the hormone estrogen that women experience when they go through menopause.

Lifestyle, as well as other diseases, like diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, are also thought to play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s. Working to live a healthy life and control the onset of other chronic illnesses can help reduce your risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s as you age.

One major risk factor that we can’t control is genetics. Understanding how heredity influences the disease process and what we can do to mitigate it are important for making sense of the disease, as well as exploring timely options for prevention and treatment.

Alzheimer’s and Your Genes

We all know that genetic factors can impact our health in a variety of ways. Brain health and dementia are not immune to this connection. The link between Alzheimer’s disease, specifically early-onset Alzheimer’s, and genetics is apparent.

Scientists have found that genetics are often a contributing factor among those who develop early-onset Alzheimer’s, meaning they are likely to have an immediate family member who also developed the disease before age 65.

For those who develop the disease later in life, the impact of genetics is less defined, though family history still seems to be an important risk factor.

Another potential genetic indicator comes in the form of certain mutations of the APOE gene. Mutation in this gene is associated with higher levels of amyloid plaques and is often found in people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

Your doctor can conduct tests to determine if you have this gene mutation and are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s because of it.

However, people who are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer’s disease may never develop it. But knowing your genetic composition can be powerful, especially if the information helps motivate you to make lifestyle choices that can help postpone or prevent your development of the disease.

What You Can Do to Help Prevent or Delay Alzheimer’s Disease?

Couple embracing on the beach, while looking at the waves.

There’s not much you can do about your genes—you didn’t select them or your parents. However, you can choose to live in a way that minimizes the impact your genes have on you and your health.

It’s important to focus on what you can control.

  • Take care of your mental health,
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Challenge your brain
  • Maintain strong social connections and relationships
  • Get quality sleep
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
  • Exercise to help prevent the development of other chronic conditions, like diabetes and heart disease
  • Avoid smoking and drinking to excess
  • Be careful not to expose your brain to harmful substances or to the risks of sustaining traumatic brain injuries

These behaviors can impact your cognitive function and may act as controlling factors for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Recent research has also shown that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), like the specialized protocol used at Aviv Clinics, can be effective for preventing and addressing cognitive decline, especially as it relates to the early stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

A unique protocol of HBOT can work to increase blood flow to the brain and reverse amyloid plaques and even prevent them from forming in the first place. It may be a viable option to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease in the near future.

Remember, it’s not just about how long you live, but also how well. Making an effort to care for yourself now will help you enjoy a longer, more full and active life while minimizing chronic health issues and cognitive decline.

Bottom Line

Genetics is just one of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s. While it’s not something you can control, it is something you can impact through your behaviors.

People often underestimate the power that lifestyle choices can have on their future health, but they are an integral part of the overall equation. The way you care for your body today, or fail to, can have a major impact on not only your lifespan but your healthspan as well.

The Effect of Coffee on Brain Health

Pour-over, solo, drip, French-pressed – however you enjoy your coffee, it may be doing more for you than just getting you going in the morning. Drinking coffee may also protect you from a variety of health conditions, so long as it is consumed in moderation.

For decades, coffee had a poor reputation because of early studies that deemed it a carcinogen and linked it to an increased risk for heart disease. Recent research now suggests that drinking coffee, including decaffeinated coffee, may actually provide a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation.

The Benefits of Coffee on Brain Health

Some of coffee’s health benefits are commonly known, including that it boosts metabolism and increases energy levels. Lesser known, but perhaps more important benefits of coffee are that it also:

Beyond brain health, moderate consumption of coffee also helps reduce the risk of some cancers, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Coffee’s Key Ingredients 

Caffeine is just one of about 1,000 chemicals found in coffee beans, but is the best known. A stimulant, caffeine delivers a boost of energy and helps provide focus. It locks into the adenosine receptors in the brain, which cause drowsiness, and counteracts the sleepiness response by blocking the function of the receptors. Instead of feeling drowsy, caffeine stimulates the brain’s production of norepinephrine and dopamine, which is what leads to increased focus and alertness.

In addition to caffeine, coffee also contains beneficial polyphenols and antioxidants, which fight inflammation and protect against some diseases.

Polyphenols are organic compounds found in the coffee plant. They contain anti-inflammatory properties that have the potential to prevent or reduce the risk of certain cancers and other chronic health conditions. Some polyphenols may also protect against neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s. Consuming polyphenols also may help regulate metabolism, weight, and cell production.

Other beneficial components in coffee include vitamin B2 (riboflavin); vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid); vitamin B1 (thiamine); vitamin B3 (niacin); folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium; and phosphorus.

Coffee beans also are enriched so that when they are ground, blended, and consumed, provide some pre- and probiotic properties for good gut health.

Effect of Coffee on Brain

The Cons of Drinking Coffee

While coffee has many health benefits, it can also have some negative effects. For example, it can:

  • Disrupt sleep
  • Cause anxiety and jitteriness
  • Lead to an addiction to caffeine
  • Cause withdrawal symptoms (headache, fatigue, brain fog, and irritability) when abstaining
  • Increase feelings of anxiety and agitation in those with anxiety disorders

Moderating consumption is key to enjoying its benefits.

How Much Coffee Should You Drink? 

As with most foods, coffee is a healthy beverage when consumed in moderation. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends no more than five cups a day or on average 400 mg of caffeine. Another reason for moderate consumption is because too much, especially after mid-day, could interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and may create feelings of anxiety.

Optimizing the Benefits of Coffee 

While coffee has many health benefits, adding refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, and/or creamers add calories and create an unhealthy beverage.

“The extra calories, sugar, and saturated fat in a coffee house beverage loaded with whipped cream and flavored syrup might offset any health benefits found in a basic black coffee.” – Harvard School of Public Health

Effect of Coffee on the Brain - brewing coffee

How you brew your coffee also affects the health benefits it imparts.

For example, using a paper filter or checking coffee pods for built-in filters helps prevent the passage of unhealthy chemicals present in coffee as it filters. Some of these chemicals can raise levels of LDL, or the “bad” cholesterol.

The Bottom Line 

Coffee has many health benefits, when drunk in moderation. Using high quality beans, brewing it with a paper filter, and limiting additions such as refined sugars and creamers, can optimize the impact of coffee on your brain health.

Aviv Clinics Dubai – brought to you by DP World  delivers a highly effective, science-based treatment protocol to enhance overall brain performance, extend healthspan, and improve the cognitive and physical symptoms of conditions such as mild cognitive decline, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease. The Aviv Medical Program’s intensive treatment protocol uses hyperbaric oxygen therapy and includes nutrition management and dietitian support to optimize your diet for better brain health. Based on over a decade of research and development, the Aviv Medical Program is comprehensive and customized to your needs.

Contact us to learn more.


Music and Memory Loss

Music has a special way of unlocking the memory bank. For a person with Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive impairment, hearing a familiar song can trigger a memory, evoke an emotion, and enhance brain performance.

Studies have shown music can have a profound effect on people with memory loss conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. That growing body of evidence has led some long-term care facilities and caregivers to use music therapy to entertain, soothe, and help socialize residents with dementia and other memory loss issues.

Music is a part of almost everyone’s life. As early as infancy, music may be used to soothe a colicky baby. For many, music often serves as a soothing distraction, to elevate mood, as a motivator while exercising, or as a relaxation technique at bedtime. For others, music may be played as background noise as they go about their daily lives. Music may be such an ever-present fixture in everyday life that it becomes woven into the fabric of the brain. While listening to music, emotions are stirred and memories are stored, creating a link that ultimately becomes associated with a time, a person, or a place.

Why does music unlock memories? It activates those areas of the brain that are associated with memory and emotions: the hippocampus and the frontal cortex. When these areas of the brain are stimulated, they trigger the release of stored memories at the sound of a song. 


Music’s effects on the mind

Music can have a powerful effect on the psyche. For a person with dementia or in late-stage Alzheimer’s disease, music reduces agitation, soothes the spirit, and improves behavior and focus, research shows. Here’s how music affects the brain:

  • Music stimulates the brain by evoking an emotion that triggers a memory. For someone with memory loss, hearing a familiar song has the potential to transport them back to a time in life that was pleasurable.
  • It provides comfort. A person with cognitive decline can become easily agitated. Music has a way of reducing agitation and instilling a sense of calm. When someone is calm, they tend to focus better.
  • Music elevates mood and reduces stress. Playing music activates a part of the brain that can improve mood and reduce anxiety, especially if it is music that’s familiar and well-liked. Studies have shown different types of music also play a part in whether it works to uplift or is counterproductive. Soothing music at less than 100 beats per minute, such as classical music, has been found to have a positive effect on memory and cognition. 
  • It creates a connection without verbal communication. For someone in the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease, communicating may be difficult if not impossible when words finally elude them. Expose them to a song from childhood or their teenage years and a person with memory loss may break out singing or dancing. It’s not uncommon for an Alzheimer’s patient, unable to speak, to sit down at a piano and proceed to play and sing.

Famed musicians, like Tony Bennett who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, are still able to perform and remember the lyrics despite memory impairment. However, learning new songs and remembering them is unlikely because of the disease’s progression. 

Music has also been used as a therapeutic method to help stroke patients with aphasia to re-learn speech. They may not be able to converse, but they can sing a familiar tune. Using music can stimulate different parts of the brain to relearn and improve speech.

Are you a caregiver? Music can make a difference

To use music to trigger pleasant memories, boost mood, and soothe a loved one with memory-loss issues, try these tips from the Alzheimer’s Association:

  • Choose music your loved one is familiar with and once enjoyed. If they’re able, encourage them to offer suggestions for their customized playlist.
  • Play music that’s commercial-free otherwise the interruptions can be disruptive and confusing for them.
  • Base your choice of music on the emotion you’re trying to invoke. A tranquil piece can induce a calm and serene feeling while a faster-paced song from their childhood might help elevate mood and evoke happy memories.
  • Enhance their experience by encouraging them to tap to the beat, clap, or dance.
  • Keep distractions to a minimum. Avoid other background sounds like TV or traffic noise. And keep the music volume at a comfortable level. If it’s too loud, it could lead to aggression or agitation.

The bottom line

The link between music and memory is significant. Studies show hearing musical pieces from the past can trigger strong emotions, and mainly positive ones because of their nostalgic connection. And not only does music trigger strong emotions and memories, but it can also boost mood, calm anxiety, and quell confusion in someone with cognitive decline.

Life After a Diagnosis of Cognitive Decline: What Now?

Whether you have received a diagnosis of mild cognitive decline, dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease, exploring the possible causes is the first step in moving forward.

Symptoms like forgetting where you have placed your glasses, frequently asking the same question, or failing to recognize familiar people may have led you to seek medical attention. Perhaps your family noticed changes in your mood or personality and urged you to see a doctor. Being evaluated and having a diagnosis may be initially disconcerting and stressful, but how you proceed from here will determine your best outcome.

Often, what may be causing the cognitive issues is something controllable and treatable such as high blood pressure, high blood sugars, stress, anxiety, medications, or drug and alcohol use. No matter what is behind the decline, the key is addressing those things that can be controlled and treated, and then choosing a healthier lifestyle going forward.

What is cognitive decline?

Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life. It can range from mild to severe, escalating to the point where the person loses the ability to comprehend, write, or speak. At that stage, a person can no longer live independently.

Age is the greatest risk factor for cognitive impairment.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 16 million people in the United States are living with cognitive impairment. An estimated 5.1 million Americans aged 65 and older currently have Alzheimer’s disease, the most well-known form of cognitive impairment; this number may rise to 13.2 million by 2050, the CDC reports.

Next steps

Stress and anxiety will most certainly follow on the heels of a diagnosis. Learning to cope in healthy ways will be crucial because stress and anxiety can worsen symptoms of cognitive decline. You may be tempted to isolate because you fear being embarrassed by your condition or want to hide your frustration when you are challenged to remember. However, do not shy away from being challenged. Do just the opposite.

Interact even more and engage in things that bring you joy. How you proceed after diagnosis could slow the progression or alter the trajectory of the disease.

Here are six things to do immediately no matter the diagnosis:

  • Eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, good proteins and healthy fats, and limit those foods that contain saturated fats like butter and cheese. Some examples of brain-beneficial foods include coffee, blueberries, nuts, dark chocolate, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which the brain uses to build brain and nerve cells, and are essential for learning new things and storing memories.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes, five times a week. Whenever you exercise, you are pumping more blood to your brain tissues, and with that comes a lot of oxygen and other nutrients vital for the brain’s functioning. Walking or swimming are great ways to get oxygen-rich blood pumping to the brain.
  • Challenge your brain daily with activities that keep it stimulated like doing puzzles, taking quizzes, and reading content you enjoy. They help exercise the brain, enhance creativity, improve problem solving, and may slow memory decline.
  • Get adequate sleep. Stay away from things that may overstimulate your body like tea or coffee before bedtime. Put down your phone or computer a couple of hours before bedtime so you can decompress naturally and slowly. Sleep allows your body to cleanse the brain of toxins and waste. Getting enough is essential.
  • Find a good support system. It will be critical to build a good support system now that you have received a diagnosis. Whether it is a spouse, a friend, a family member, or a support group, having a connection with someone who cares about you and knows what you’re going through can keep you from feeling alone.
  • Manage stress. Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol will only worsen the symptoms of cognitive decline. Instead, try journaling, prayer, meditation, exercise, or whatever works to calm your inner spirit and reduce your stress load.

The prognosis

In some people, mild cognitive impairment can be reversed or remain stable, especially if it is linked to a medication. For others with a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, the outlook can be harder to swallow since both are progressive conditions, and symptoms will eventually worsen. However, making lifestyle changes like healthy eating and exercising may slow the rate of progression.

The bottom line

Maintaining healthy lifestyle choices, including proper nutrition, exercise, social and cognitive activities, and adequate sleep, may help prevent or delay cognitive decline. For those who receive a diagnosis, the best approach moving forward is to cherish every moment of clarity, enjoy every day you are gifted, and maintain as many healthy choices as possible to slow down the disease.

As leaders in brain performance, the experts at Aviv Clinics understand the impact that a diagnosis of cognitive decline can have. The scientifically proven protocols of the Aviv Medical Program are designed to maintain your cognitive health and even improve the early biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss.

Contact us to schedule a free phone consultation with a client ambassador and learn more about how the Aviv Medical Program can help optimize your brain health and performance.

Preserve Your Cognitive Health by Understanding the Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease

We all experience lapses in memory now and then, especially as we age. For most of us, these minor cognitive issues are usually just annoyances. But if your cognitive issues interfere with your daily life, they could be the beginning of something much more serious. 

Read on to learn more about the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and how you can preserve your cognitive health.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that impacts a person’s ability to think, reason, and remember. As it progresses, Alzheimer’s can severely affect quality of life, eventually becoming completely debilitating. 

The most common type of Alzheimer’s disease is the late-onset form, when symptoms usually “become apparent in [a person’s] mid-60s or later.”

The 10 Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease:


According to the Alzheimer’s Association, ten early warning signs of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease include:

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  2. Challenges in planning or solving problems
  3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks
  4. Confusion with time or place
  5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships
  6. New problems with words in speaking or writing
  7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
  8. Decreased or poor judgment
  9. Withdrawal from work or social activities
  10. Changes in mood and personality

If you experience a cognitive problem that impacts your daily life, don’t ignore it. Dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can take action against cognitive decline.

Get in touch with our care team>>

What Are Some Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease?

There’s still a lot we don’t know about how Alzheimer’s disease develops or why some people are at greater risk of developing it than others. It’s an active area of study, and researchers are discovering new things every day. 

The consensus among scientists is that a combination of age, sex, genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the greatest risk factors for Alzheimer’s: 

  • Old age does not directly cause Alzheimer’s disease, though the risk of developing Alzheimer’s “doubles about every 5 years” after age 65.
  • “There are more women with Alzheimer’s disease than men,” though this might be because women live longer than men. 
  • Suffering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can “increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia years after the injury takes place.” 
  • Acute and chronic inflammation is associated with an increase in cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease.” Eating a diet full of inflammatory foods like processed sugar might exacerbate the risk of developing inflammation in the brain.
  • Exposure to environmental pollutants has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. Researchers note “half of individual differences in Alzheimer’s disease risk may be environmental.”
  • Studies discovered a “significantly increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease with current smoking.” This risk factor offers another compelling reason to quit.
  • People with Down syndrome also carry a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. “Alzheimer’s disease affects about 30% of people with Down syndrome in their 50s. By their 60s, this number comes closer to 50%.”

2 Protein Structures in the Brain Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists typically focus on two different protein structures in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease: Neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. 

It’s not currently known whether the presence of these structures causes Alzheimer’s disease or if they’re simply byproducts of it. But both can impair cognitive function and can worsen as the disease progresses.

Neurofibrillary Tangles 

Neurofibrillary tangles are accumulations of a harmful protein called tau in the brain’s neurons. These tangles can inhibit the neurons ability to communicate, causing cognitive decline. Some studies reveal a lack of brain oxygen is associated with neurofibrillary tangles.

Amyloid Plaques

Amyloid plaques are hard, insoluble clumps of beta-amyloid proteins that build up between neurons. Like neurofibrillary tangles, these plaques are toxic to brain cells and disrupt cell-to-cell communication. They can eventually result in cellular death, harming cognitive abilities even further.

Brain scans can reveal the presence of both protein structures, so your doctor can alert you to the presence of Alzheimer’s disease or if you’re at risk for developing it.

Is Alzheimer’s Genetic?

Both early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease have a genetic component, meaning if you have a family history of Alzheimer’s, you carry a greater risk factor for developing the disease compared to someone who doesn’t have that history.

The risk factor is greater if an immediate family member suffers from the disease, such as a parent or sibling. 

Genetics are almost always the primary contributing factor of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, which can “affect people in their 30s or 40s.” 

Gene Mutations

Researchers have yet to identify any specific genes responsible for the development of late-onset Alzheimer’s. However, certain mutations of the APOE gene, which are found in chromosome 19, “[]remain] the strongest, genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.

For example, the specific gene mutation APOE ε4 is linked to higher levels of amyloid plaques and is often found in people with Alzheimer’s disease. 

Your doctor may order genetic testing if you have a family history of cognitive problems or early-onset dementia. 

Remember, this doesn’t mean you’re destined to develop Alzheimer’s if a parent or sibling has had it. Some people who possess the APOE ε4 gene never develop Alzheimer’s disease, and some people with Alzheimer’s don’t have any gene mutations at all. 

Genetics is just one of many Alzheimer’s risk factorswe still need more research to get the complete picture of what the biggest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is.

How Can I Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?


A specific hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) protocol shows promise as a potential preventative measure for biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. HBOT is a therapy that involves breathing 100% oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure.

  • Recent research illustrates a unique HBOT protocol can shrink existing amyloid plaques in the brain and even prevent new ones from forming altogether: Repeated sessions of HBOT showed “reduced hypoxia and neuroinflammation, reduction in beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques and phosphorylated tau, and improvement in behavioral tasks.”
  • Another study revealed HBOT improved memory recall in people who exhibited mild cognitive impairment:  “HBOT should be considered as a therapeutic approach to slow the progression or even improve the pathophysiology responsible for [Alzheimer’s] disease.”

These studies offer hope that HBOT may become a viable drug-free method for preventing cognitive decline.

A treatment based on this protocol is now available only at Aviv Clinics Florida>>

Lifestyle Habits to Safeguard Cognitive Health

While none of us can change our genetic makeup, we can change our lifestyle. Healthy habits can help lower your risk factor for nearly any disease, not just cognitive-related conditions. Lowering inflammation levels in your body can also help lower inflammation in the brain. Some of the things you can do to preserve your cognitive health include:

  • Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables
  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining healthy blood pressure
  • Keeping your mind active
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • Avoiding excess alcohol
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Getting plenty of restful sleep
  • Taking care of your mental health


The Aviv Medical Program’s Fight Against Cognitive Decline

The Aviv Medical Program was founded on the unique HBOT protocol discussed in earlier research studies. This protocol involves fluctuating oxygen levels during the HBOT sessions. Oxygen level variations trigger the body’s self-healing process. 

Cognitive Performance and Aging Program

The Aviv Medical Program offers a comprehensive cognitive performance and aging program. Our treatments are rooted in research and lean on a holistic and personalized approach. 

Depending on your symptoms, needs, and goals, the program can include the following: 

  • In-depth medical history review
  • Comprehensive physical and neurological exam
  • Physical therapy evaluation
  • Highly advanced brain imaging scans
  • Neurocognitive tests

During the treatment, the program can include a combination of the following:

  • Cognitive training
  • Physical training
  • Dietary coaching
  • Unique HBOT process


Carl & Vickie Eckert Praise Their Improved Cognitive Performance as “Remarkable”

Married couple Carl and Vickie both had parents with dementia and cognitive decline. They soon realized they were experiencing the same cognitive issues that manifested in their parents. 

The couple’s quality of life was not where it should have been, so they took action with the Aviv Medical Program. They call their experience with Aviv Clinics and improved cognitive performance “remarkable.” 

“This is a very viable option…knowing that I was going to have such a complete assessment only for me and my issues was just remarkable.

I’m dancing, I’m hiking, I’m running again. It’s just remarkable. I don’t know how else to say it.”  –Vickie Eckert, former Aviv patient

Lower Your Risk with Aviv Clinics

While we still have a lot to learn about the risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease, anyone can lower their likelihood by taking charge of their lifestyle. 

Preserving your cognitive health starts with the choices you make every day. Partnering with Aviv Clinics is just one of them. Contact our medical team to learn how we can help you.


Menopause and Brain Health

We all know that menopause changes your body. But did you know that menopause can also affect brain health? Hormone changes caused by menopause can cause cognitive issues like memory loss, learning problems, and trouble concentrating. These changes may be so gradual that you might not notice them at first, or so insignificant that you don’t pay them any attention. But is the brain fog you’ve been experiencing really just menopause, or something more serious?

How does menopause affect memory loss?

Menopause is the gradual shut down of the female reproductive system. In the United States, the average starting age for menopause is 52. However, perimenopause (the symptomatic period) can occur much earlier, lasting anywhere from two to eight years.

Perimenopause brings a whole host of symptoms with it, including hot flashes, sleep problems, menstrual changes and notably, cognitive difficulties. More than two-thirds of menopausal women report experiencing problems with memory, concentration, and executive function. For a long time, we only had anecdotal evidence of the cognitive difficulties that menopausal women face. But, recent studies have revealed scientific evidence that “menopause brain fog” can be clinically detected.

If you’ve been having trouble concentrating on your favorite book or struggling to remember words since beginning your menopause transition, it’s not just in your head. The fluctuating hormone levels in your brain could be the cause of your minor memory loss. There’s still a lot we don’t understand about why menopause and the brain. But, one of the key factors is thought to be the declining levels of the hormone estrogen, which plays a crucial role in the brain.

Estrogen isn’t just made in the ovaries. The hypothalamus gland in your brain also manufactures precursor signal hormones that ultimately end up making estrogen elsewhere in your body. Estrogen is active in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, which are important to maintaining memory and executive function.

Having proper levels of estrogen in the brain is also vital to proper aging because estrogen imbalances are thought to play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. More research on the physiological differences between men’s and women’s brains is needed to understand whether this is one of the reasons why women may be more susceptible to dementia than men.

Is it really just menopause?

Menopause and brain health

Fortunately, menopause-related brain fog is often mild and can disappear on its own with time, just like other unpleasant aspects of menopause such as hot flashes. For many women, this is a huge relief. It can be incredibly cathartic to know that there’s a reason behind why you keep misplacing your phone, or struggle to concentrate on your favorite book. But there’s just one problem—how do you know if your cognitive problems are really just menopause?

The symptoms of menopause related brain fog and other age-related cognitive disorders often overlap. You might have been dismissing your brief lapses in memory as just another quirk of menopause, when in reality, they could be the start of early-onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Just because menopause can bring on cognitive problems, this doesn’t mean that your memory lapses are menopause-related.

But how do you tell the difference? What should you look out for when it comes to lapses with your cognitive abilities?

Menopause memory problems vs Alzheimer’s disease

Minor lapses in memory here and there happen to the best of us and are usually nothing to be concerned about. But if your cognitive problems are reaching the point they interfere with your daily quality of life, it might be time to talk to a doctor. Early symptoms for Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Repeating questions over and over
  • Getting lost easily, even in a familiar area
  • Trouble following directions or accomplishing simple tasks
  • Difficulty remembering words, even for familiar objects
  • Problems with decision-making
  • Trouble handling money or remembering to pay bills on time
  • Significant changes in mood, personality, or behavior

Women are over 60% more likely to develop dementia than men, so it’s vital to stay vigilant for the warning signs of dementia early on. When in doubt, it’s always best to raise your concerns with your doctor rather than dismiss them as nothing. However, even if you don’t have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, there are times when menopause-related cognitive decline can linger rather than naturally fade.

Estrogen and cognitive function

In this study published by the North American Menopause Society, researchers discovered that the advancement of menopause was a “key determinant of cognition” among both pre- and post-menopausal women. The women included in the study were primarily low-income women of color, some of whom also had HIV. The study lasted over a period of several years, following the women from pre-menopause all the way to post-menopause. Every two years, the women underwent testing to assess their cognitive abilities, including memory, verbal learning, attention span, processing speed, motor skills, executive function, and more.

Even after adjusting for age and other factors, the overall odds for cognitive function decline still increased throughout menopause. Many of those in the test group had even reached a “clinically significant level of cognitive impairment” by the end of the study. Although HIV might have had a role to play in the severity of the decline, cognitive problems also persisted in women that didn’t have HIV involved in the study.

It’s not currently known why menopause-related cognitive problems naturally fade in some women and linger in others. Fortunately, there are ways that you can help yourself through these cognitive issues.

How can I relieve cognitive symptoms brought on by menopause?

In general, living a healthy lifestyle can help you balance your hormones during menopause and alleviate cognitive symptoms. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising, and keeping your mind active.

Menopause and brain health

Nutrition. Eat foods that promote brain health, such as whole fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and nuts.

  • Fish are full of omega-3s, which can boost brain power.
  • Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and collards are rich in brain-healthy nutrients like folate and vitamin E.
  • Take care to avoid eating sugar and processed foods, which can not only increase brain fog, but worsen other menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes and sleep disruptions.
  • Eating dairy products rich in calcium can also help offset your risk of developing osteoporosis, which increases during menopause.

Exercise. Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain, and an oxygenated brain is a healthy brain. Even a brisk walk down the block with your partner or pet can help you lift your mental fog. Exercise can also help ward off menopause-related weight gain, if you’re concerned about that.

Meditation. Of course, you can also exercise your brain directly. Mindfulness exercises like meditation can increase your focus and help you concentrate on your important tasks more easily. You can even combine mindfulness with physical activities like yoga to get the best of both worlds!

The bottom line

While menopause can leave you feeling foggy or out of sorts, you can take steps to alleviate your symptoms by living a healthy lifestyle. Keep an eye out for any cognitive problems that negatively impact your life, and contact your doctor if you feel that something is out of place. Whether you or someone you love is going through this transitionary period in life, remember to always be kind, patient, and understanding.

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