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traumatic brain injury patient

Dylan Hartley: Traumatic Brain Injury Patient

traumatic brain injury patient
November 20, 2023

Athletes face many challenges in the world of sports. One of the most common concerns is the risk of head injuries, medically referred to as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can have significant repercussions, impacting an athlete’s performance, cognition and overall quality of life. 

When former England rugby captain Dylan Hartley endured numerous TBIs throughout his 16-year career, he became concerned for his future both on and off the field. With the onset of life-altering brain injury symptoms, he shifted his focus to just one important goal: Treat his brain and, ultimately, reclaim his life. Fortunately, a life-changing recommendation took Dylan Hartley to Aviv Clinics, where he embraced a renewed sense of hope. Through revolutionary neurorehabilitation therapy, Dylan could finally embark on the path toward recovery.

traumatic brain injury patient

Why Dylan Came to Aviv Clinics

“Rugby is great for the soul but terrible for the body.” Dylan Hartley

Dylan Hartley fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a professional rugby player. But when a series of injuries forced the UK rugby captain to retire, he grew desperate to find solutions to address his symptoms and put himself back together. 

Through repeated head trauma, he developed post-concussion syndrome, a complex condition affecting individuals who can experience symptoms persisting months to years after the injuries and may include: 

  • Headache 
  • Dizziness
  • Imbalance
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Impaired cognition
  • Vertigo
  • Depression and anxiety

For years, Dylan quietly endured several ongoing symptoms common in traumatic brain injury patients, such as irritability, overwhelming fatigue, a limited attention span, and even speech difficulties. As these symptoms continued to interfere with his life, he worried he was on track to develop early-onset dementia at the age of 36, just as he had seen happen to other athletes. Dylan desperately wanted to find head trauma treatment. 

“When I retired, I was on a mission to put myself back together, like Humpty Dumpty. I was a bit bashed up and there were things that needed doing,” Dylan told The National.

That’s when he discovered the Aviv Medical Program

Dylan Hartley’s Aviv Clinics Transformation

For Dylan, his healing journey had just begun. During his three-month stay at Aviv Clinics, Dylan followed a comprehensive, holistic program tailored to the findings of his initial brain scans.

“The only daunting thing for me was actually scanning my brain,” said Dylan. “I was scared to see the truth. I was scared to see my reality.” 

After the scans at Aviv Clinics showed potential for healing improvement, he felt relief. “I had the world’s best facility at my fingertips to improve myself.”

Throughout his stay, Dylan had access to a team of experts, including physicians, physiologists, psychologists, and nutritionists. Five days each week, Dylan underwent two-hour hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) sessions, featuring Aviv Clinics’ advanced HBOT protocol, which was conducted in a state-of-the-art chamber. Following the completion of the program, Dylan’s post-analysis showed impressive results.

“Subjectively, I was feeling great. I was walking around telling everyone how good it was,” said Dylan. “But then the metrics and the data and the report came back on my before-and-after… and blew me away with the improvement I got.”

At the end of his program, Dylan experienced a remarkable 91% enhancement in cognitive endurance and a substantial 38% improvement in auditory processing. 

The Power Behind the Program

As Dylan Hartley’s story demonstrates, even those who have endured a multitude of brain injuries can find a path to recovery at Aviv Clinics.

The Aviv Medical Program offers a science-backed, multidisciplinary approach to improving cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being.

For those seeking head trauma treatment, this program has the potential to combine the principles of TBI occupational therapy, such as cognitive training exercises, with other solutions and therapies, including physical training, nutritional coaching, and a unique hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) protocol.

“I was aware of hyperbaric [oxygen] therapy, but I’d never seen it on the scale it is here, and the offering that is here in terms of an all-encompassing program.” — Dylan Hartley

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a scientific, evidence-backed treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms, which has been shown in clinical trials to help promote the restoration of damaged brain tissue, help reduce inflammation, enhance physical performance, and boost neurological function. 

The Unique HBOT Protocol at Aviv Clinics

As part of its proprietary medical program, Aviv Clinics can offer a unique hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocol to enhance the healing effects of the program. Ultimately, oxygen fluctuations that alternate between elevated pressures and normal oxygen levels can trigger healing changes within the body. 

Traumatic Brain Injury Patient

In controlled trials, “significant improvements were demonstrated in cognitive function” due to these powerful fluctuations. This is because HBOT can address the cause of the symptoms, rather than the symptoms alone, by promoting healing at the cellular level. 

In pursuit of redefining optimal brain and body performance, Aviv Clinics offers the most extensive and advanced hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers available. These state-of-the-art, multi-person suites are able to provide a clinically supported protocol designed to help our patients find hope and healing.

Read more about the science>>

TBI Care at Aviv Clinics

Through the Aviv Medical Program, Dylan Hartley experienced substantial, life-changing improvements in his cognitive, physical, and overall well-being. For athletes and other traumatic brain injury patients looking to overcome the challenges posed by chronic symptoms, this innovative program can help you maximize your performance and improve your quality of life. 

Get in touch today to discover how you can unlock your full potential and invest in your cognitive well-being with Aviv Clinics’ TBI program.

Aviv Medical Program provides you with a unique opportunity to invest in your health while you age

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