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Calendar of Events

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Stimulating Stem Cells

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Pickleball and Performance

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The Power of Oxygen

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Stretching and Stability

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Meals for the MIND

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Reduce Pain with Your Brain

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Master Class: Aging Well

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Power and Performance

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Oxygen + Pressure = Healing

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Brain-Gut Connection

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Fight Falls with Better Balance

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Long COVID: Hopeless to Healed Panel and book signing

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ABZzzs of Sleep

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ABC’s of Your A1c

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Age is Just a Number

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Brain and Body Boost

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Intermittent Fasting

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Mindful Meditation

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Sit & Stretch Session

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Stimulating Stem Cells


 Your own body is the most powerful healing tool in your arsenal.     When a medically supervised hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocol is administered using the 2019 Nobel Prize winning Hyperoxic-Hypoxic Paradox, it can trigger the creation of new stem cells that go to the areas of your brain and body that need it most.     Join Dr. […]

Pickleball and Performance


Whether you’re a pro on the pickleball court or a newbie in the kitchen, you won’t want to miss this event with Aviv Clinics’ physiologist Tim Bream. Tim will share actionable tips to help improve your game, reduce your chance of injury, increase stamina and enhance recovery so you can get back on the court […]

The Power of Oxygen


Maximize the power of oxygen to enhance your overall well-being, extend your healthspan and heal.   Beyond needing oxygen to survive and fuel daily activities, oxygen under pressure is one of the best healing mechanisms for your brain and body. Join Aviv Clinics’ hyperbaric safety manager Gary Warden for an insightful deep dive into how […]

Stretching and Stability


Can stretching lead to a longer healthspan? The short answer is yes! The more you stretch and increase your flexibility, the more you improve your stability. Improved stability leads to a decreased risk for falls, and therefore, a longer healthspan! Join Tim Break, an Aviv Clinics athletic trainer, for a beginner’s introduction to stretching and […]

Meals for the MIND


Food is fuel for your MIND, so what better diet to follow than one with the same name? Join Aviv Clinics physician Dr. Kevin Cooke to dive deep into the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) Diet. This diet has been shown to do more than contribute to overall wellness—it can help boost your brain […]

Reduce Pain with Your Brain


Chronic pain can be debilitating and difficult to manage. Often, regardless of the cause, your medical team may find managing your pain difficult, so they do their best with a battery of pharmaceuticals or even surgery. But did you know that there are non-invasive ways that you can self-manage your pain with your own brain? […]

Master Class: Aging Well


You can control the hands of time to slow down and even reverse the aging process. Join physician Dr. Mohammed Elamir for an educational master class focused on controlling your aging journey. Dr. Elamir will discuss science-backed techniques to help you manage your well-being and take control of your aging process. Learn about the latest […]

Power and Performance

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Maintaining athleticism as you age. Your chronological age, or the number of birthdays you have celebrated, is irrelevant when it comes to living out your athletic performance dreams. The proof is in the people, and this panel of Aviv Clinics’ alumni are proof that you can maintain your athlete status at any age. John Horsley, […]

Oxygen + Pressure = Healing


Improved healing and maximized healthspan can both be attained with the help of oxygen.   Beyond needing oxygen to survive and fuel daily activities, oxygen under pressure (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) is one of the best healing mechanisms for your brain and body. Join Aviv Clinics’ hyperbaric chamber operator John Langley in one of our state-of-the-art […]

Brain-Gut Connection


You know the saying, “If mama isn’t happy, then no one is happy”? That same saying holds true when it comes to your brain and your gut. If you mess with one, you mess with both. When your gut is in bad shape, there’s a big chance your cognition and mental health will be impacted—and […]

Fight Falls with Better Balance

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Nearly 3 million older adults visit the ER each year as the result of a fall As you age, it gets harder to recover from falls, so it’s important to focus on fall prevention by improving your balance. Safely climbing a flight of stairs, stepping into the bathtub and even getting out of bed in […]

Long COVID: Hopeless to Healed Panel and book signing


Long COVID is characterized by so many symptoms and seemingly unbelievable experiences that you could write a book about it. So, one former Aviv Clinics client did. Join Aviv’s clinical program manager Paul Moore, a long COVID survivor himself, and Aviv alumni Lynette Milakovich for a discussion about their illness and recovery journeys, as well […]

ABZzzs of Sleep


If only getting good night’s sleep were as easy as counting sheep. Unfortunately, for many that’s not the case. A few rough nights can make it hard to perform seemingly routine tasks. When poor sleep becomes a regular pattern, it can impact us even more. Join Aviv Clinics’ psychologist Dr. Roger Miller as he dives […]

ABC’s of Your A1c


Dealing with diabetes or pre-diabetes? Join Aviv’s clinical program manager Paul Moore to learn valuable information on the different types of diabetes, diabetes risk factors, sneaky sugars, and the connection between diabetes and age-related diseases from someone who knows best—a person with diabetes.

Age is Just a Number

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Stop acting the age of the last birthday you celebrated and start acting the age you aspire to be! A panel of Aviv Clinics aging experts featuring physician Dr. Kevin Cooke, neuropsychologist Dr. Benjamin Lowry and physiologist John Horsley will discuss how to make that happen. These clinicians will discuss how your lifestyle habits like […]

Brain and Body Boost

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One thing that can give both your brain and body a boost? Exercise. Join Aviv Clinics’ athletic trainer Tim Bream for an engaging and educational seminar all about the benefits of exercise for the mind and body. Tim will share the latest research and practical tips for boosting your brain power and body’s physical performance, […]

Intermittent Fasting


Which is more important: what you eat or when you eat it? Trick question! Both are equally important. The good news is you probably already know WHAT you should be eating, so now it’s time to learn WHEN you should eat. Join Dr. Kevin Cooke, Aviv Clinics’ physician, as he discusses how you can recharge […]

Mindful Meditation

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If meditation is such a powerful tool, then why don’t more people do it? Likely because they don’t know how. Meditation and yoga expert Lynette Milakovich and Aviv Clinics’ neuropsychologist Dr. Benjamin Lowry will lead an active learning meditation clinic and educational seminar about meditation and mindfulness. You will learn how to control the areas […]

Sit & Stretch Session


Are you stretching every day? If not, you should be. Declining flexibility is a sneaky side effect of aging that can wreak havoc on your body. Aviv Clinics physiologist John Horsley will lead an interactive seated stretching session where you will learn techniques to help you stay limber longer to help you feel better and […]

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