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Maximize the Minutes with Your Doctor

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Taking an active role in your health care can help you get the best possible service from your doctor. One way to do this is to make sure you get the most out of your office visit by preparing ahead of time.  You’ve made the appointment,; it’s circled on your calendar and now you wait […]


Overcoming Chronic Sickness

Wildwood Community Center 6500 Powell Road, Wildwood, Florida

 Chronic illness is an emotional rollercoaster!.   You might feel overwhelmed and those around you do not understand your struggles. Having resources and techniques to manage a chronic disease is essential. Hear directly from Aviv Clinics clients and learn more about how the Aviv Medical Program has helped them overcome debilitating disease symptoms to live better, more fulfilling […]


Conquer Long COVID

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Brain fog? Unexplained fatigue? Depression? These are just a few symptoms of long COVID.   If you or a loved one are experiencing these or any other symptoms related to long COVID, then join us for an informative event with Paul Moore, Aviv’s clinical program manager. Paul will guide you through the complexities of long COVID […]


Stress Less

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Stress stinks.   While stress can be triggered by various internal and external factors that are out of our control, most of the stress we experience is self-generated. Join Aviv Clinics psychologist Dr. Roger Miller to discover ways to manage your stress levels—and why some moderate stress can actually be a good thing!  


Golf Mobility Training

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

A good golf game starts with great mobility!   Join us for a special golf performance seminar with physical therapist Randy Brown to learn secrets to enhance your golf game from a physical therapist's perspective. Discover the pivotal role joint mobility plays in achieving a powerful swing and overall improved performance on and off the […]


Awaken Your Libido

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Enjoying an active and fulfilling sex life is vital to overall well-being. As we age, sexual performance, especially for men, can deteriorate, but there is hope without prescriptions.  Dr. Kevin Cooke, Aviv Clinics physician, will share research on erectile dysfunction and how it’s related to blood flow, mental issues, diet and lifestyle. He will also […]


Brain-Gut Connection

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Did you know your body has two brains?   Well, kind of.   The gut is often referred to as the body’s “second brain,” and impacts much more than your weight.   Aviv Clinics’ physician Dr. Mohammed Elamir discusses the fascinating world of the brain-gut connection and shares practical tips so you can optimize your gut health—because what […]


Pickleball and Performance

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Whether you’re just starting or are already a pickleball pro, Aviv Clinics’ physiologist Tim Bream has the tips you need to improve your game.   Join Tim to learn actionable tips for reducing your chance of injury, increasing stamina and enhancing recovery so you can get back on the court quicker, stay there longer and […]

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