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Oxygen + Pressure = Healing

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Improved healing and maximized healthspan can both be attained with the help of oxygen. Beyond needing oxygen to survive and fuel daily activities, oxygen under pressure (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) is […]


Compensating for Cognitive Decline

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Do you find yourself forgetting names, misplacing your glasses or repeating stories more often than you used to? When these “senior moments” start increasing in frequency or other symptoms arise—like […]


Hyperbaric Suite Talk

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

Our body needs oxygen to survive and create energy to fuel our day-to-day activities. We breathe without thinking, but it’s time to start thinking about what we’re breathing! Join Gary Warden, […]


Stop Acting Your Age

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

It’s time to stop letting the number of candles on your birthday cake dictate how “old” or “young” you are. Age is just a number! Join Dr. Benjamin Lowry, for […]


Maintain Your Brain

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

When it comes to your brain, you must use it or lose it. Doing “workouts” to maintain your brain are just as important as the workouts you do to maintain […]


Hyperbaric Healing

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

The most powerful healing mechanism we have is our own body. All we must do is give it the tools it needs to do the work. That’s where hyperbaric oxygen […]


Fighting Falls

Aviv Clinics 2955 Brownwood Blvd. #100, The Villages

The best way to prevent a fall? Improve your balance. With each year that passes, recovery from a fall becomes even more difficult. Join Aviv Clinics’ physiologist John Horsley for […]

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