Understanding Chronic Pain Post-COVID: A Journey of Hope and Healing

The story of COVID doesn’t always conclude with a negative test. For many, it’s merely the beginning of a chapter marked by persistent, often bewildering pain.
This pain doesn’t just affect the body. It casts a long shadow over every corner of your life. If you or someone you love is grappling with unwelcome, chronic pain post-COVID, know that there are answers. Our goal is to cast light on the multifaceted nature of this condition, illuminating a hopeful path forward for those affected.
Long COVID Nerve Pain
Chronic body pain post-COVID can take many forms. Some experience aches reminiscent of the flu. “More than 1 in 3 sufferers” encounter a distinct and perhaps unfamiliar type: nerve pain.
What Does Nerve Pain Feel Like?
Post-COVID nerve pain and discomfort can manifest in many ways throughout the body:
- Tingling or “pins and needles” sensations
- Burning or shooting pains
- Numbness or decreased sensation
- Sensitivity to touch and pressure
These symptoms can fluctuate and affect different areas or be widespread from head to toe.
A Note on Similar Conditions: Chronic body pain in post-COVID patients can resemble other conditions, such as fibromyalgia or peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms like widespread tenderness, fatigue, and weakness may not indicate long COVID. Instead, what appears to be leg fatigue, brain fog, or arm pain post-COVID could be another condition entirely.
The overlap in symptoms highlights the need to work closely with healthcare providers for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
What Causes Long COVID Nerve Pain?
Current findings show nerve pain post-COVID is likely caused by an “invasion of the virus into nerve cells.”
Several theories posit that this results in:
- Viral nerve damage
- Inflammation that affects nerve function
- Disruptions in nerve tissue
Coping with this pain requires a multidisciplinary approach. It can take a combination of treatments to effectively manage nerve pain after COVID.
Joint Pain in Long COVID
Among the myriad types of chronic pain post-COVID, joint pain is particularly challenging. It can make simple tasks daunting, even nearly impossible.
The Many Faces of Post-COVID Joint Pain
Long COVID joint pain can present via several different symptoms:
- Aching, swelling, or soreness in one or more joints
- Stiffness or reduced range of motion
- Warmth or redness around affected joints
For those experiencing joint-related symptoms in long COVID, leg pain is a common complaint, often affecting the knees, ankles, or hips.
Joint Pain in a Long COVID Context
Joint pain is common in viral infections. The immune system’s response to a virus often triggers inflammation in and around the joints, which can explain the sensation of bewildering bone pain in post-COVID patients.
COVID-related joint pain, however, can linger “from 4 weeks to 12 months after acute” infection or worsen, with pain developing weeks or months after your COVID infection. This prolonged duration separates it from the typical viral recovery timeline. It can also be unpredictable:
- Some experience specific discomfort in one area, like post-COVID leg pain.
- Others face migrating pain, potentially starting as long COVID foot pain before moving to other joints.
This variability underscores the need for personalized treatment approaches.
Post-COVID Muscle Pain
Muscle pain is a disheartening symptom for some COVID long haulers, especially because it can be joined by increased muscle weakness and fatigue.
The Characteristics of Long COVID Muscle Pain
Long COVID muscle pain can be characterized by:
- Widespread or localized muscle pain
- Feelings of weakness or heaviness
- Increased symptoms with physical activity
The impact of post-COVID muscle pain may be especially noticeable after exertion. Researchers believe this is caused by “skeletal muscle impairments in patients” with long COVID, contributing to greater soreness and fatigue during and after physical activity.
The Impact of Prolonged Muscle Pain
Persistent muscle pain, fatigue, and weakness can significantly affect quality of life. The pain can make it hard to sleep comfortably, and your participation in work or social activities can change, sometimes drastically.
Because this pain can have multiple origins, including some level of deconditioning during recovery, it’s important to work closely with providers to determine the best course of treatment.
Some people also experience post-exertional malaise (PEM), characterized by a worsening of symptoms after even minor physical or mental exertion. The onset of this discomfort is typically delayed, sometimes 12-48 hours after activity. The combination of chronic muscle pain and PEM only complicates the long COVID experience for many individuals.
Post-COVID Neck Pain and Headaches
From lingering inflammation to the stress of it all, neck pain and headaches are common, often interrelated, long COVID symptoms that can range from a nagging discomfort to pain that’s difficult to ignore.
Post-COVID Headaches
This form of chronic pain post-COVID is often highly individual. Long haulers may experience headaches that can be either:
- Mild or severe
- Constant or intermittent
- Tension-like or migraine-like
Sometimes, these headaches increase light or sound sensitivity.
Long COVID Neck Pain
With or without a headache, long COVID neck pain can manifest as:
- Increased stiffness or soreness
- Limited range of motion
- Pain that radiates to the shoulders or upper back
Some patients also report post-COVID ear and jaw pain, which can feel like TMJ or a sensation of pain or fullness in the ears.
A Look at the Underlying Causes
The exact causes of post-COVID neck pain and headaches are not yet known. Still, current research suggests they “may be a result of systemic infection or possibly due to direct neuroinvasion.”
The virus affects the body in diverse ways. Many other factors can lead to symptoms in the head, neck, ear, and jaw post-COVID, including:
- Stress and anxiety
- Postural changes due to inactivity
- Changes in blood flow
- Ongoing inflammation
Individual evaluation is crucial because there are several reasons one may develop a headache, even on a chronic basis.
Long COVID Chest Pain
Post-COVID chest pain is a complicated symptom. It can range from dull discomfort to sharp pain and may be accompanied by other symptoms, like heart palpitations. Additionally, it’s not always easy to discern why it’s happening. Just remember, chest pain is concerning at any time and should always be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
What Are the Types of Post-COVID Chest Pain?
Chest pain has different characteristics depending on its cause:
- Musculoskeletal: Described as a dull ache or soreness in the chest wall
- Cardiac-related: Feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest
- Lung-related: Usually associated with breathing function and can be sharp
- Gastrointestinal: May be mistaken for heart issues and can feel like burning
Some also report breast pain post-COVID, which could be related to inflammation in the muscles or surrounding tissues. If you’re uncertain, talk to your doctor, particularly if you notice any new lumps or changes in the area.
What Are the Potential Causes of Long COVID Chest Pain?
The COVID-19 virus “has proclivity for many organs and organ systems in the chest.” This makes it challenging to pinpoint a single cause of pain.
Potential contributing factors include:
- Ongoing inflammation in the tissues
- Disruptions to blood flow
- Anxiety or stress-related tension
A number of long COVID patients experience symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a form of dysautonomia. These symptoms can mimic or worsen chest pain, as it’s often described as a racing or pounding heart.
A comprehensive analysis is the best way to determine what factor(s) are involved.
Many cases of long COVID chest pain are not life-threatening, but pain that’s severe or accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, or fainting warrants immediate medical attention.
Post-COVID Back Pain
Long COVID back pain is a common yet complex symptom. Like other types of chronic pain post-COVID, the causes vary. It can be as frustrating as it is painful, leaving many wondering why they’ve developed back pain in the aftermath of a respiratory virus.
Chronic Back Pain in Long COVID
Post-COVID back pain isn’t a typical backache. It often presents unique aspects:
- Pain that can impact different parts of the back over time
- Intensity that fluctuates, sometimes along with other long COVID symptoms
- A deep ache that’s different from mechanical back pain
This back pain can start to develop weeks or even months after an initial COVID infection.
The Link Between Long COVID and Back Pain
Research on back pain has shown “a significant increase in low back pain after COVID-19 infection.”
Emerging theories point to several possibilities:
- Inflammation that targets muscles
- Changes in pain perception
- Muscle atrophy due to prolonged bed rest
No matter the underlying factors, back pain adds a challenging layer to long COVID recovery—particularly as other symptoms may accompany it.
Post-COVID Stomach Pain
Respiratory issues are usually the focus in COVID infections, but many survivors find themselves facing persistent, unexpected stomach pain post-COVID. This gastrointestinal aspect can be confusing, disrupting, and restricting for those who experience it.
The Effects of Post-COVID Stomach Pain
For 36% of all COVID patients, stomach pain may develop or persist post-COVID, with an “increased risk of developing gastrointestinal (GI) disorders within a year after infection.”
This GI pain can feature:
- Varying intensity, from discomfort to severe cramping
- Unpredictable, sometimes undetectable triggers
- Other digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, or changes in appetite
Rather than a typical stomach bug or indigestion, ongoing long COVID stomach pain can become a near-constant symptom.
Why Post-COVID Stomach Pain Occurs
The connection between COVID and chronic stomach pain is not yet clear, but researchers have suggested numerous possible causes:
- Viral particles in the GI tract “could be responsible for some of the GI manifestations of long COVID” or cause damage to intestinal cells.
- Lingering inflammation and changes in the gut microbiome can play a role.
As research progresses, our understanding of the causes can offer hope for more tailored treatments.
The Aviv Medical Program: A Holistic Approach to Chronic Pain
Addressing complex pain requires a multifaceted approach. The Aviv Medical Program aims to provide comprehensive relief and a better quality of life by targeting the underlying mechanisms that contribute to chronic pain in long COVID patients.
Aviv recognizes the interconnectedness of long COVID symptoms, so our program addresses not only pain but associated issues like fatigue, cognitive performance, and mood changes.
The Aviv Medical Program addresses long COVID symptoms from multiple angles:
- Pain Perception Processing: Long COVID can impact how the brain processes pain signals, similar to fibromyalgia. We utilize advanced imaging and cognitive training to help recalibrate pain perception pathways.
- Inflammatory Response: Chronic inflammation can contribute to long-term COVID pain. We incorporate anti-inflammatory strategies to help reduce systemic inflammation.
- Muscle Tone and Range of Motion: We help address muscle weakness and limited mobility that can contribute to pain through personalized physiotherapy and exercise protocols.
- Tissue Healing: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), one aspect of the program, promotes tissue repair and stimulates natural healing in the body.
Finding Relief from Chronic Pain Post-COVID
For Josh, long COVID took a severe toll on his life. Then, he was introduced to Dr. Shai Efrati and the Aviv Medical Program.
On his recovery at Aviv Clinics:
“I couldn’t bear the torture that came and visited me every day … I’ve got my functionality back. Those areas that were lost to me have come back. I no longer have nerve pain, it’s gone … And now my kids have their dad back.” — Josh White, long COVID survivor
With various types of pain associated with long COVID, each type tells one part of the larger story of COVID’s widespread effect on the body. Fortunately, there is hope.
If you’re navigating the complex terrain of long COVID, you’re not alone. We encourage you to learn more about long COVID on your path to recovery.
Remember: Your experience with long COVID pain is unique. Explore our personalized, holistic approach to long COVID treatment at Aviv Clinics.
Aviv Medical Program provides you with a unique opportunity to invest in your health while you age