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New Covenant United Methodist Church- Senior Group-Insulin Resistance: Your Weight and Diabetes

New Covenant United Methodist Church 3470 Woodridge Drive, The Villages

Discover the connection between insulin resistance, diabetes, weight gain and age-related diseases like dementia. Join Aviv Clinics, Physician Dr. Elamir as he shares the main factors in regulating insulin and how to lower your risk for these conditions. Discover new tools, daily habits, and food choices that can help you better understand your body and […]


New Covenant United Methodist Church – Senior Group Health Series Seminar – Better Balance: You Can Get it Back!

New Covenant United Methodist Church 3470 Woodridge Drive, The Villages

As we go about our daily lives, good balance is essential. Safely climbing a flight of stairs, stepping into the bathtub, and even getting out of bed in the morning all rely on our ability to balance. Poor balance is a major reason why one in three people over the age of 65 experience a […]


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